Proposal for the Rehabilitation of a Historically Degraded Mine Site
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RWC is pleased to announce the commencement of the public exhibition of the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the Ardlethan Tin Mine Rehabilitation and Tailings Reprocessing Project located approximately 5km northwest of the village of Ardlethan. This Proposal would result in the rehabilitation of a historically degraded mine site, with substantial environmental, economic and social benefits.
Tin mining first commenced at Ardlethan in 1912 and hard rock mining ceased in 1986. Since that date approximately 10.5Mt of acid-generating tailings have been stored in tailings storage facility, with low pH leachate posing a substantial environmental risk.
The Proposal would involve the extraction and reprocessing of these acid-generating tailings using modern gravity separation technologies to produce a tin concentrate. The reprocessed tailings would be placed into a completed open cut, limiting the potential for further generation of low pH leachate. The Proposal would also rehabilitate disturbed and contaminated sections of the Mine Site and re-establish native vegetation.
The Proposal represents a unique opportunity to generate economic and social benefits from the reprocessing of historic tailings while simultaneously rehabilitating a site that would otherwise pose an ongoing environmental risk and liability for future generations.
The EIS has been prepared by RWC on behalf of EOE (No.75) Pty Limited to support an application to Coolamon Shire Council for development consent. The preparation of the EIS has required multi-disciplinary specialist consultant input and as the lead consultancy for the assessment, RWC would like to thank all those who contributed to the preparation of the EIS.