Tomingley Gold Extension Project

  • Client Name Alkane Resources Limited
  • Location Tomingley, NSW
  • Services Environmental Impact Assessments, Environmental Management Plans, Rehabilitation and Closure Plans


RWC is working with Alkane Resources Limited to prepare an Environmental Impact Statement for the Tomingley Gold Extension Project. Through a combination of over 40 years of experience in environmental assessments and a successful history of work with Alkane Resources Limited, RWC continue to deliver effective and proactive outcomes for Tomingley Gold Operations (TGO).


RWC has worked with Alkane since the late 1990’s when the Company was operating the nearby Peak Hill Gold Mine. We prepared the original Environmental Assessment for TGO, which began production in 2014. Since that time, RWC has worked with Alkane on multiple projects for TGO, including five modification modifications to existing development approvals, Mining Operations Plans and various Management Plans.

Alkane engaged RWC to prepare an Environmental Impact Statement to support an extension of the existing TGO mine. The proposed activities include the development and operation of the San Antonio and Roswell Open Cut and Underground Mine, located immediately south of the existing TGO Mine Site, and relocation of an 8km section of the Newell Highway, the principal north-south highway through central NSW. The application is a State Significant Development application.


Large-scale developments such as this require a progressive and iterative approach to attain environmental approvals. For the Tomingley Gold Extension Project, this has involved:

  • Pre-emptively identifying the likely environmental assessments that would be required to enable robust and proactive project design and planning at all stages of the project.
  • Identifying, engaging and managing a network of Specialist Consultants to address key environmental areas of the Project, including the undertaking of specialist studies by RWC staff.
  • Establishing and maintaining consultation with the community within and around the village of Tomingley to ensure that community feedback and concerns would be addressed during the preparation of the Environmental Impact Statement.
  • Advocating for Alkane and the Tomingley Gold Extension Project to Local and State Government to maintain open, two-way communication between parties.

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