Mineral Hill Mine – Reprocessing of Tailings Approval Received
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RWC is pleased to announce that Lachlan Shire Council has approved a modification to the development consent for the Mineral Hill Mine to permit reprocessing of tailings at the Mine, which is located approximately 60km north of Condobolin.
Ore processed at the Mine between 1988 and 2005 had poor gold recovery, resulting in a significant amount of gold being sent to the tailings. The reprocessing of the gold-bearing tailings from the old tailings storage facility will recover gold and relocate of those tailings to a tailings storage facility constructed in accordance with modern design standards, as well as allowing for the treatment and/or removal of contaminated material within the old tailings storage facility footprint.
RWC has worked with various owners of the Mineral Hill Mine since the 1980’s. The present owner, Mineral Hill Pty Ltd, is a wholly owned subsidiary of Quintana MH Holdings LLC. We congratulate Mineral Hill Pty Ltd on reaching this important milestone.