Blayney Quarry – Another Challenging Approval Granted
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RWC are proud to announce another success. On Friday 8 November 2019 the Western Joint Regional Planning Panel approved a new quarry located in close proximity to residential areas on the outskirts of Blayney in the Central West of NSW.
The experienced team at RW Corkery worked closely with our Client, Mr Ben Volkofsky, to design an operation that uses the site’s natural topography and geological resource to minimize potential noise, dust, vibration and visual amenity impacts for surrounding residents, as well as the adjacent Nestle Purina Pet Care facility and the Main Western Railway.
The application’s success was based on the Environmental Impact Statement prepared by RWC. The proximity to residences required a sound assessment of all environmental factors and potential impacts and coordination with Nestle Purina and John Holland.
While the application caused some concern for local residents, RWC and our Client were able to design a series of management commitments which ensured that the proposed operation can comply with the relevant environmental criteria. As a result, the application was ultimately supported by Blayney Shire Council staff and approved by the Joint Regional Planning Panel.
RWC congratulates Mr Volkofsky achieving this milestone and we look forward to continuing to work with him to ensure that the development can supply high quality products for local infrastructure projects and ultimately provide economic benefit to the Blayney region.