Dubbo Project Modification 1 on Exhibition
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Modification 1 to the Dubbo Project, located approximately 25km south of Dubbo, was formally lodged with the Department of Planning and Environment on 22 March 2022 and is now on exhibition from 30 March 2022 until 19 April 2022.
The Dubbo Project, originally referred to as the Dubbo Zirconia Project, was approved in May 2015 following the preparation of an EIS by RWC. Modification 1 seeks approval for the construction of a chloralkali plant and brine concentrator within the Project Site, allowing Australian Strategic Materials (Holdings) Ltd to minimise reagent transportation requirements and maximise water recovery during ore processing. The modification also seeks approval for the relocation of previously approved infrastructure components within the Project Site, extended construction hours, and an eight year extension to the Project life.
The Dubbo Project represents a key sustainable and secure source of critical metal oxides and raw feed for a globally critical metals business. Modification 1 is required to permit additional ore processing and value adding activities which will ensure that products produced at the Project Site are suitable for the manufacture of high purity metals and alloys.
A copy of the Modification Report can be accessed via the Major Projects website here: https://www.planningportal.nsw.gov.au/major-projects/projects/mod-1-project-layout-and-processing-changes