Austen Quarry granted Modification 1
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Approval for Modification 1 to Development Consent SSD 6084 for the Austen Quarry was approved on 15 August 2018 permitting the following activities for the ongoing operation of the Quarry.
An approximately 45% increase in the rate of production to 1.6Mtpa.
An increase to product despatch limits in line with the increase in production, setting a new maximum despatch limit of 300 trucks per day.
A change to operating hours for product despatch to permit a 4:00am start.
A realignment of the extraction area and the overburden emplacement to reduce disturbance and ensure safe development of the Quarry.
Modifications to the wording of biodiversity offsetting conditions to remove those areas no longer impacted from biodiversity credit calculations and to give Hy-Tec access to options available under the recently commenced Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016.
Hy-Tec’s objectives with this modification were to meet growing client demand, ensure that the conditions of consent reflected opportunities for efficient operations and to continue the Company’s record for environmentally responsible operations. R.W. Corkery & Co. is proud to have assisted in achieving these objectives for the site.
The Austen Quarry is now in an improved position to continue operating as a strategically located source of hard rock aggregates. Hy-Tec is assisting to meet the growing demand for these and other materials from the construction industry in the greater Sydney metropolitan region, as well as the needs of local and regional roadworks and other infrastructure projects.