RWC Principal Consultant Presents at Major Project IPC Hearing
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During three days beginning Wednesday 15 February 2023, the NSW Independent Planning Commission conducted a public hearing for the Bowdens Silver Project in Mudgee, NSW. The hearing provided the opportunity for local community members, stakeholders, Bowdens Silver and R.W. Corkery & Co to present their views, provide details and answer questions form the panel on key issues, concerns and proposed conditions of consent for the Bowdens Silver Project.
Nick Warren, RWC’s Principal Environmental Consultant for the Bowdens Silver Project, presented during two sessions, both opening and closing the commission. Nick talked through topics covering key project elements and responded to matters raised during the public hearing such as the geological setting, water resources, human health, amenity and social impacts.
We highly commend Nick for his professionalism during what was an intense three days, requiring Nick to respond directly to public concerns and demonstrate a strong and detailed technical competence when answering questions from the IPC Panel. Nick’s knowledge of the Project from an overarching strategic perspective through to minute detail was clearly evidenced, demonstrating the close involvement of senior staff in all aspects of the assessment. Nick has been assisted by others on the RWC team and a special mention must be given to Paul Ryall, who has worked closely with Nick on the Project and during the public hearing providing detailed technical knowledge, experience and support.
RWC congratulate Nick and Paul for once again getting the Bowdens Silver Project through a major milestone.
RWC have been involved with the Bowdens Silver team and this Project since planning commenced in 2016, manging the preparation of the Environmental Impact Statement, subsequent Submissions Report and various Amendment Reports to support the Project. Nick and the Team’s dedication, expert knowledge and professional delivery has been a significant factor in the Project’s progression.
Click here to watch Nick’s closing presentation at the public hearing.
The NSW IPC is currently in deliberation and a decision is expected in early April 2023.