Dowe’s Quarry receives Development Consent for Ongoing Operations
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Darryl McCarthy Constructions Pty Ltd (DMcC) engaged R.W. Corkery & Co. Pty Limited to prepare an Environmental Impact Assessment to support an application for development consent for the ongoing operation of Dowe’s Quarry, a quarry located 8km northeast of Tenterfield. DMcC has been operating the quarry producing ivory-coloured quartzose products for a period of 27 years for use in the exposed aggregate and horticultural industry. DMcC has been a part of the Tenterfield community for over 40 years and is currently one of the largest private sector employers in Tenterfield Shire.
RWC has been able to guide DMcC as they addressed the necessary legislation and undertook the assessments to prepare the Environmental Impact Assessment that accompanied the application for development approval for ongoing operations at the quarry. Following a meeting of the Northern Joint Regional Planning Panel on 19 March 2015, RWC are pleased to announce that the company has received development consent for ongoing operations at the quarry for a period of 30 years.
RWC continues to assist the DMcC to prepare the necessary management plans, establish a biodiversity offset area and apply for the necessary licences that have been conditioned with the consent approval.