The Bowdens Silver Project – EIS now on exhibition, a milestone reached for Australia’s largest undeveloped silver deposit.
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RWC is pleased to announce that the Environmental Impact Statement for the Bowdens Silver Project will be placed on public exhibition from Tuesday 2 June 2020 until Monday 27 July 2020.
The Bowdens Silver Project is the largest undeveloped silver deposit in Australia located approximately 2km to 3km northeast of Lue and approximately 26 kilometres east of Mudgee. The Project comprises an open-cut mine, processing plant comprising a conventional milling circuit and differential flotation as well as associated infrastructure for the management of waste rock, water resources and tailings. Approximately 2 million tonnes of ore would be extracted and processed over a mine life of 16.5 years to produce concentrates of silver, zinc and lead. The Project would also involve there location of a public road around the Mine Site (Maloneys Road) and a dedicated water supply pipeline to deliver excess water from the Ulan coalfields for use in processing.
This step represents a significant milestone for the Project and for Bowdens Silver Pty Limited. RWC have been involved with investigations for this Project for almost 20 years with the concentrated effort of Bowdens Silver and RWC over the last three years resulting in a clear understanding of the resource and the development of plans for efficient and environmentally responsible mining. A comprehensive program of environmental assessment and community engagement has been presented in the Environmental Impact Statement with 21 supporting assessments undertaken for the Project. The Environmental Impact Statement highlights the key outcomes of the Project in terms of local employment and investment that are keenly supported by the local community and a pathway to management of environmental outcomes to ensure that risks are managed, monitored and reported in accordance with the requirements of the NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment.
We congratulate Bowdens Silver on reaching this important stage and look forward to presenting this Project to the public.
More information on the public exhibition of the Project can be found at the DPIE Major Projects website https://www.planningportal.nsw.gov.au/major-projects/project/9641.Submission on the Project may be made online at this website of by post to Director, Resource Assessments, Planning and Assessment, Department of Planning, Industry and Environment, Locked Bag 5022, PARRAMATTA NSW 2124.