Christmas Comes Early to Broken Hill as the Approval to Recommence Mining at Perilya’s Broken Hill North Mine is Received
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On Christmas Eve 2018, Perilya Broken Hill Limited recommenced its mining operations at the Broken Hill North Mine thereby securing its mining future in Broken Hill until at least 2032. Rehabilitation and mine closure activities are expected to take up to an additional nine years.
Perilya plans to mine deeper deposits at North Mine using the Cosmopolitan Decline to a depth of 2,250m. At a rate of 300,00 tonnes per year of ore, the extracted ore will be crushed and trucked to the Company’s Southern Mine for processing.
The re-opening of the North Mine, after being placed into care and maintenance in 2008, brings a significant boost to the local economy with the eventual creation of 140 new jobs together with an additional 40 construction jobs created as part of the $54 million operation. In addition to the boost to the local economy of between $83 million and $88 million per year, the State of NSW is expected to receive up to $5.8 million per year in royalties.
RW Corkery & Co has worked closely with Perilya, the community, stakeholders and the NSW Department of Planning throughout the lengthy process to prepare the required robust Development Application and Management Plans for the Broken Hill North Mine, with the last of those Plans approved on 21 December 2018.
The Department of Planning received nine submissions from Government Authorities and another nine from the Community, most in support. As part of this submission process critical issues were revised to address issues raised around air and dust emissions. The revised Project is not predicted to cause any exceedances against the air quality criteria or increase in blood iron levels. Other commitments by Perilya included protecting and maintaining historic mining structures with significant heritage value and upgrading the intersection along the haul road route.
There commencement of mining at the Broken Hill North Mine on Christmas Eve, reflects the hard work of all involved and provides certainty and resilience for both the Community and Perilya Broken Hill Limited. RW Corkery & Co is proud to have played a role in helping that happen.