Good Friday Gold Mine Approved
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On 29 August 2016, the NSW Department of Industry Lands (DPI Lands) issued development consent to AusGold Mining for the Good Friday Gold Mine, located approximately 27km south of Tibooburra in the Unincorporated Area of NSW.
The development consent will allow AusGold Mining to continue, and expand, mining of alluvial ore at the Good Friday Gold Mine, including an increased level of production and the use of improved processing plant and mining methods. Mining and rehabilitation operations are anticipated to last for a period of approximately five to six years. The continued and expanded operation of the Good Friday Gold Mine will provide increased economic benefits to the Tibooburra and Milparinka areas and the wider Western NSW region.
The Good Friday Gold Mine is unusual in that the Project Site is located within a very remote section of the Unincorporated Area of NSW, and that the Commissioner of Crown Lands was the determining authority. It is noted that this is the first approval of its kind in NSW. RWC is proud the high standard of the application prepared and congratulates AusGold Mining on receipt of development consent. RWC looks forward to continuing our association with AusGold Mining and assisting with the development of this unique mine in NSW.